![]() I’ve spent pretty much all of my summer with those in need. Whether this be for food or a friend, those who haven’t been able to afford a holiday, those who have no family support and those wondering how they are going to afford the back to school uniform. I have spent days and days this summer with those who have been grateful for the organisations that have put on school holiday activities, those who have given their time to serve and care. Families for whom in the words of this mum, a simple pizza and craft activity has, “made my summer.” Children who without charities and churches giving up their time won’t have been able to eat 3 meals a day, or get out and be active or have new experiences they may never have had the opportunity to try. I’ve had the privilege of being alongside these families, helping and supporting with the struggles. Giving of my time, my money, my own resources and using the resources of others to help as well. Being a Good Neighbour takes all forms. This summer we have paid for activities, time and food. It started with hiring a swimming pool (lido) for the children to celebrate the beginning of summer and ended with the making of a birthday cake for a 2 year old! My particular highlights have been taking families swimming, watching families enjoying pizza making, a support group sleepover at a library, (a first I’m sure), messy church and hours in a park playing and talking as well as a few trips out to lunch to give advice and personal support. Thank you to www.facebook.com/GasGreenYCC/ www.freshhope.co/ stmarksmethodist.org.uk/ nclbcheltenham.org.uk/ and many many more for your input into school holidays who I haven't worked with. How have you spent yours. What can you be doing next school holidays to help those in need. Start thinking and planning now and get in touch if I can help you make a difference to those who need.
May 2024
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